The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos, explains how physical multiplicity is emerging from absolute (metaphysical) Oneness, at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamental interactions become properties of the new granular complex-time geometry, at different dimensions. - => Conference Talk - Another Conference [Detailed Presentation]
Particle-Wave Duality: from Time Confinement to Space Transcendence
It is time to reveal the secret of time: Time is real at the present instance of its being, but because it does not halt; we can only reflect upon its perpetually flowing images, and that’s why it is actually imaginary. Therefore, time itself is both “real” and “imaginary” ; it is real in its own being, and imaginary in the actual outward manifestations that we usually observe in each current individual instance of its continuous flow. This “duality of time” means that it has a genuine “complex geometry” , with a real part and an imaginary part. In the real flow of time, space and matter are internally created, and they are observed in the imaginary time as they kinetically evolve. However, because observation is one single instance of time, the observed things become instantly extinct, into the past, right after their being in the indivisible present instance of time, to be perpetually re-created again in the following future instances, in ever new images that could resemble the previous with some outwardly minor changes that cause the illusion of motion and dimensions.
Therefore, although time is the essence of everything in existence, yet its own essence cannot be defined independently because it is the temporal individual instances of all discrete things that come into being only one at a time, and because the observer is one of those individual things, it is only possible to observe the instantaneous temporal images of the other things that have already vanished and are being perpetually re-created. This means that all individual entities in the Universe are continuously created anew every single instance of time, one entity at a time, so that at every real instance there is only one indivisible real entity that is the Single Monad, and all other imaginary entities are its temporal and instantaneous images.
In other words: Time is always revealing its essence when we are not watching, but when we watch; it instantly hides in our own essence, because it is all one indivisible existence that is taking the three roles of the observed thing and the observer, as well as observation itself; continuously alternating between this cosmological trinity of the subject, object and action; but not all at the same real instance of time, as it is usually conceived by normal human imagination which conveys the illusory sensation that physical objects are real because it is averaging their extremely fast and instantaneous fluctuation into the present existence, in the same manner as we are normally deceived by the seemingly continuous existence and apparent motion of characters displayed on a computer screen, when they are in fact being re-created at an extremely fast refresh rate.
Hence, for its own existence, time is real, because it is always in the state of being. For us, however, time is imaginary, because it is always becoming into the past. There is only one indivisible present moment that is continuously dividing the real flow of time into remembered past and expected future, both of them are unreal with regard to the observer, because the first has already vanished and the latter has not come yet. Therefore, our time is imaginary because its discrete instances come to us only one by one, but we imagine it in the form of continuous extension or duration, because we always expect the future and remember the past.
The “Duality of Time Theory” is the dynamic combination between this inward real and outward imaginary dimensions of time. This is expressed mathematically in the form of complex numbers, whose real and imaginary parts are dynamically connected with hyperbolic relation that produces a granular and self-contained Euclidean space-time, without invoking Riemannian geometry.
This complex time-time geometry according to the Duality of Time Theory is genuine, and not a simple mathematical trick as it is normally treated in modern physics theories. In the dynamic process of perpetual creation, the physical dimensions of space are sequentially being re-created in the inner levels of time, which is what makes the outward time genuinely imaginary with respect to the inner time, and thus easily expressed in terms of Euclidean geometry by using hyperbolic split-complex numbers.
Without postulating the Duality of Time and the resulting continuous creation of space, this concept of imaginary time does not have any genuine reality or justification outside the mathematical formulation, because both the Galilean space and Minkowski space-time consider space and time to be coexisting together, i.e. they both are real. The fact that each frame of the inner time, which constitutes space, appears as one instance on the outward time is what justifies treating time as imaginary with relation to space, thus latent or orthogonal to it. This will be elaborated in the following chapter.
... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...
... f time, the observed things become instantly extinct, into the past, right after their being in the indivisible present instance of time, to be perpetually re-created again in the following FUTURE INSTANCE s, in ever new images that could resemble the previous with some outwardly minor chan ...
... d time to be coexisting together, i.e. they both are real. The fact that each frame of the inner time, which constitutes space, appears as one instance on the outward time is what justifies TREATING TIME as imaginary with relation to space, thus latent or orthogonal to it. This will be ela ...
... r space and time to be coexisting together, i.e. they both are real. The fact that each frame of the inner time, which constitutes space, appears as one instance on the outward time is what JUSTIFIES TREATING time as imaginary with relation to space, thus latent or orthogonal to it. This w ...
... geometry by using hyperbolic split-complex numbers. Without postulating the Duality of Time and the resulting continuous creation of space, this concept of imaginary time does not have any GENUINE REALITY or justification outside the mathematical formulation, because both the Galilean spa ...
... use we always expect the future and remember the past. The “Duality of Time Theory” is the dynamic combination between this inward real and outward imaginary dimensions of time. This is EXPRESSED MATHEMATICALLY in the form of complex numbers, whose real and imaginary parts are dynamica ...
... that all individual entities in the Universe are continuously created anew every single instance of time, one entity at a time, so that at every real instance there is only one indivisible REAL ENTITY that is the Single Monad, and all other imaginary entities are its temporal and instanta ...
... use we always expect the future and remember the past. The “Duality of Time Theory” is the dynamic combination between this inward real and outward imaginary dimensions of time. This is EXPRESSED MATHEMATICAL ly in the form of complex numbers, whose real and imaginary parts are dynamica ...
... rpetually flowing images, and that’s why it is actually imaginary. Therefore, time itself is both “real” and “imaginary” ; it is real in its own being, and imaginary in the actual OUTWARD MANIFEST ations that we usually observe in each current individual instance of its continuous ...
... rpetually flowing images, and that’s why it is actually imaginary. Therefore, time itself is both “real” and “imaginary” ; it is real in its own being, and imaginary in the actual OUTWARD MANIFESTATIONS that we usually observe in each current individual instance of its continuous ...
... duces a granular and self-contained Euclidean space-time, without invoking Riemannian geometry. This complex time-time geometry according to the Duality of Time Theory is genuine, and not a SIMPLE MATHEMATICAL trick as it is normally treated in modern physics theories. In the dynamic proce ...
... een this inward real and outward imaginary dimensions of time. This is expressed mathematically in the form of complex numbers, whose real and imaginary parts are dynamically connected with HYPERBOLIC RELATION that produces a granular and self-contained Euclidean space-time, without invoki ...
I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!
By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.
Enjoy reading...
Mohamed Haj Yousef
Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".
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