The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos, explains how physical multiplicity is emerging from absolute (metaphysical) Oneness, at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamental interactions become properties of the new granular complex-time geometry, at different dimensions. - => Conference Talk - Another Conference [Detailed Presentation]
Ibn al-Arabi's Concept of Time and Creation
If we can not speak about the origin of the world in time, we can still ask about the origin of time in the world. As Ibn Arabi pointed out, we can not ask when time began, because the word 'when' requires time to be defined beforehand. But we can ask how did time begin?
In response to this cosmological question, Ibn Arabi argues that both the natural and para-natural types of time have originated in the Universal Soul which has two forces: the active and intellective (quwwa amaliyya and quwwa ilmiyya). The active force is in charge of moving bodies and objects,[38] while the intellective force is capable of perceiving knowledge, or updating the soul's spiritual state. So physical time (i.e. that is associated with physical objects) is that in which bodies keep moving to preserve their existence, and spiritual time is that in which the human being's Heart perceives knowledge from his Lord [Ayyam Al-Sha n: 6]. Physical time, therefore, is originated from the active force of the Universal Soul, while spiritual time originates from its intellective force [Ayyam Al-Sha n: 7].
On the other hand, since natural (or physical) time is a consequence of material motion in Nature, it is originated with the isotropic orb which is the first orb in Nature in which the first body was created (see section I.4 above). When this isotropic orb (al-falak al-atlas), was created and started to move, its motion defined natural time. But because this orb is isotropic-the same in all directions-it is not possible to measure time in this orb alone, because there was nothing to compare its motion to it. And when Allah created the second orb that includes the farthest stars (galaxies) that are appropriately called fixed stars, the (apparent) motion of those stars in this orb defined the day as the complete revolution of this orb: 'When Allah caused the higher orbs to move and He created days in the first orb (the isotropic orb) and defined it (the day) in the second orb which is the orb of the apparently fixed stars ' [Ayyam Al-Sha n: 6].
However, as Ibn Arabi says, the motion of the isotropic orb was actually determined from above; it started when the first degree of Gemini was matching the divine 'Foot' on the 'Pedestal' (kursi)[39] above the isotropic orb, and after one complete revolution, the first cosmic 'Day' of creation was done, and that was Sunday. Then the process of divine creation continued through Monday, Tuesday, and so on until its initial completion on Saturday and then it started over again [II.437.34]. Because this creative 'Day' was determined from above, it was not possible to know its duration [II.437.27]. It is true that we divide this day into 24 hours, but this is a mere convention. It is actually not possible to determine the length of this day because there is nothing else (in Nature) to compare its motion to, so we use this day to measure other relative 'days' of other orbs that are below the orb of fixed stars, and also the 'days' of the spiritual (and divine) orbs that are above this physical isotropic orb too. We shall devote Chapter III to explaining in more detail the seven Days of the cosmic 'Week' and how they are caused.
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... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...
... vine 'Foot' on the 'Pedestal' ( kursi )[39] above the isotropic orb, and after one complete revolution, the first cosmic 'Day' of creation was done, and that was Sunday. Then the process of DIVINE CREATION continued through Monday, Tuesday, and so on until its initial completion on Saturda ...
... ch is the first orb in Nature in which the first body was created (see section I.4 above). When this isotropic orb ( al-falak al-atlas ), was created and started to move, its motion defined NATURAL TIME . But because this orb is isotropic-the same in all directions-it is not possible to mea ...
... ludes the farthest stars (galaxies) that are appropriately called fixed stars, the (apparent) motion of those stars in this orb defined the day as the complete revolution of this orb: 'When Allah caused the higher orbs to move and He created days in the first orb (the isotropic orb) and de ...
... re other relative 'days' of other orbs that are below the orb of fixed stars, and also the 'days' of the spiritual (and divine) orbs that are above this physical isotropic orb too. We shall devote Chapter III to explaining in more detail the seven Days of the cosmic 'Week' and how they are ...
... ( quwwa amaliyya and quwwa ilmiyya ). The active force is in charge of moving bodies and objects,[38] while the intellective force is capable of perceiving knowledge, or updating the soul's SPIRITUAL STATE . So physical time (i.e. that is associated with physical objects) is that in which b ...
... ain [II.437.34]. Because this creative 'Day' was determined from above, it was not possible to know its duration [II.437.27]. It is true that we divide this day into 24 hours, but this is a MERE CONVENTION . It is actually not possible to determine the length of this day because there is no ...
... ctive force of the Universal Soul, while spiritual time originates from its intellective force [ Ayyam Al-Sha n : 7]. On the other hand, since natural (or physical) time is a consequence of MATERIAL MOTION in Nature, it is originated with the isotropic orb which is the first orb in Nature ...
... evolution of this orb: 'When Allah caused the higher orbs to move and He created days in the first orb (the isotropic orb) and defined it (the day) in the second orb which is the orb of the APPARENTLY FIXED stars ' [ Ayyam Al-Sha n : 6]. However, as Ibn Arabi says, the motion of the isotro ...
... his isotropic orb ( al-falak al-atlas ), was created and started to move, its motion defined natural time. But because this orb is isotropic-the same in all directions-it is not possible to MEASURE TIME in this orb alone, because there was nothing to compare its motion to it. And when Alla ...
... So physical time (i.e. that is associated with physical objects) is that in which bodies keep moving to preserve their existence, and spiritual time is that in which the human being's Heart PERCEIVES KNOWLEDGE from his Lord [ Ayyam Al-Sha n : 6]. Physical time, therefore, is originated fro ...
... asure time in this orb alone, because there was nothing to compare its motion to it. And when Allah created the second orb that includes the farthest stars (galaxies) that are appropriately CALLED FIXED stars, the (apparent) motion of those stars in this orb defined the day as the complete ...
I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!
By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.
Enjoy reading...
Mohamed Haj Yousef
Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".
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