The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos, explains how physical multiplicity is emerging from absolute (metaphysical) Oneness, at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamental interactions become properties of the new granular complex-time geometry, at different dimensions. - => Conference Talk - Another Conference [Detailed Presentation]
Complex-Time Geometry and Perpetual Creation of Space
About this Book
The Structure of this Book
How to Read this Book
The Opening Epigraphs
Note on References and Bibliography
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Introduction: The Secret of Time
Chapter I: From Physics to Metaphysics
1.1 The Beginning
1.1.1 The Unseen Worlds
1.1.2 Enters Ibn al-Arabi
1.1.3 A Decade of Withdrawal
1.1.4 The Heart versus the Mind
1.1.5 The Need for Metaphysics
1.1.6 The Cosmic Computer
1.1.7 The Heart Observatory
1.1.8 Sight, Insight and Beyond
1.1.9 Bridging the Gap
1.1.10 The Fruits of Patience
1.1.11 After the Path of the Heart
1.2 The First Serious Study
1.2.1 Meeting the Greatest Master
1.2.2 The Single Monad Model
1.2.3 Single Electron Transport
1.2.4 Another Decade of Withdrawal
1.2.5 Back to Time
1.2.6 Ultimate Simultaneity
1.2.7 Paradoxes of Zeno and EPR
1.3 Complex-Time Geometry
1.3.1 Formation of Dimensions
1.3.2 Theory of Everything
1.3.3 The Speed of Light
1.3.4 Cosmic Inflation
1.3.5 Aether and Quintessence
1.3.6 Cosmological Constant Problem
1.3.7 Quantum Mechanics
1.3.8 Super-Symmetry
1.3.9 The Principle of Love
1.3.10 Publish or Perish
Chapter II: Ancient Philosophy and Cosmology
2.1 Babylonian Cosmology
2.2 Greek Cosmology and Philosophy
2.3 The Geocentric Model
2.4 Parmenides and Oneness
2.5 Zeno’s Paradoxes
2.5.1 Achilles and the Tortoise
2.5.2 Dichotomy
2.5.3 The Flying Arrow
2.5.4 The Stadium
2.5.5 Similar Arguments
2.5.6 Philosopher’s Response
2.5.7 Potential Infinity
2.5.8 Mathematical Solution
2.6 From Plato to Plotinus
2.7 Islamic Philosophy and Cosmology
2.8 Medieval Philosophy
2.9 European Renaissance
2.10 Heliocentric Model
2.11 Galileo Galilei
2.12 Complex Numbers
2.13 Corpuscular Philosophy
2.14 Leibniz and Monadology
2.14.1 Monadology
2.14.2 The Vis Viva
2.15 Principle of Least Action
2.16 Newton’s Mechanics
2.16.1 Th Concept of Force
2.16.2 Law of Universal Gravitation
2.16.3 The Three Laws of Motion
2.17 Thermal Physics
2.17.1 Entropy
2.18 Light and Optics
2.19 The Speed of Light
2.20 Electromagnetism
2.21 Atomic Physics
Chapter III: Modern Physics and Cosmology
3.1 Aether Retreat
3.1.1 Lorentz Theory
3.1.2 Poincaré’s Relativity
3.2 Special Relativity
3.2.1 Galilean Transformation
3.2.2 Lorentzian Transformation
3.2.3 Minkowski Space
3.2.4 Lorentz Group
3.2.5 Poincaré Group
3.2.6 Mass-Energy Equivalence
3.2.7 The Twin Paradox
3.2.8 Experimental Verification
3.3 General Relativity
3.3.1 Hilbert Action
3.3.2 Einstein Field Equations
3.3.3 Schwarzschild Solution
3.3.4 The FLRW Metric
3.3.5 Singularities and Black Holes
3.3.6 Relativistic Cosmology
3.3.7 Cosmological Constant
3.4 Quantum Mechanics
3.4.1 Spin Angular Momentum
3.4.2 Pauli Exclusion Principle
3.4.3 Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
3.4.4 Copenhagen Interpretation
3.4.5 Other Interpretations
3.4.6 Mathematical Formulation
3.5 Quantum Field Theory
3.5.1 Classical and Quantum Fields
3.5.2 Dirac Wave Equation
3.5.3 Quantum Electrodynamics
3.5.4 Renormalization
3.5.5 Quantum Chromodynamics
3.5.6 Fundamental Interactions
3.5.7 Unification Theories
3.5.8 Feynman Diagrams
3.5.9 Path Integrals
3.5.10 Symmetry
3.5.11 Conformal Field Theory
3.5.12 Perturbative and Non-perturbative
3.5.13 Fields and Radiation
3.5.14 Gauge Freedom
3.5.15 Problem of Gravity
3.5.16 Super-symmetry
3.5.17 Axiomatic Approaches
3.5.18 Standard Model of Particles
3.6 Physical Cosmology
3.6.1 Steady-State Universe
3.6.2 Oscillating Universe
3.6.3 The Big Bang Model
3.6.4 Cosmic Inflation
3.6.5 Accelerating Universe
3.6.6 Standard Model of Cosmology
3.7 Strings Theory
3.8 Loop Quantum Gravity
3.9 Major Unsolved Problems
3.9.1 The Problem of Causality
3.9.2 Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
3.9.3 Non-Locality
3.9.4 Physical Information
3.9.5 Arrow of Time
3.9.6 Quantum Gravity
3.9.7 Unification Theories
3.9.8 Magnetic Monopoles
3.9.9 Hierarchy Problem
3.9.10 Baryon Asymmetry
3.9.11 Super-Symmetry
3.9.12 The Planck Scale
3.9.13 Yang-Mills Theory
3.9.14 Color Confinement
3.9.15 Generations of Matter
3.9.16 Neutrino Masses
3.9.17 Cosmic Inflation
3.9.18 Horizon Problem
3.9.19 Dark Matter
3.9.20 Dark Energy
3.9.21 Cosmological Constant Problems
Chapter IV: Time and the Single Monad Model
4.1 The Oneness of Being
4.1.1 Sufism versus Philosophy
4.1.2 Unicity versus Multiplicity
4.1.3 Unicity of God and His Names
4.1.4 Trinity of the Cosmos
4.2 The Single Monad Model
4.2.1 The Re-creation Principle
4.2.2 The Single Monad
4.2.3 Names of the Single Monad
4.2.4 Structure of the Monad
4.2.5 The Greatest Element
4.2.6 Analogies in the Macrocosms
4.2.7 Creation Scenario
4.3 Origin and Structure of the Cosmos
4.3.1 The Primordial Cloud
4.3.2 The Throne and Its Contents
4.3.3 The Pedestal and Its Contents
4.3.4 The Stars Constellations
4.4 Origin and Structure of Time
4.4.1 When the World Began?
4.4.2 Origin of Time
4.4.3 Discrete Nature of Time
4.4.4 The Seven Cosmic Days
4.4.5 Eternity and the Age
4.4.6 Reality of Motion
4.4.7 Significance of the Week
4.4.8 Divine Origin of Days
4.4.9 Creation in Six Days
4.4.10 Real Flow of Time
Chapter V: Complex-Time Hyperbolic Geometry
5.1 The Duality of Time Postulate
5.2 Dynamic Creation and Aether
5.2.1 Genuinely-Complex Time-Time Flow
5.2.2 Hyperbolic Complex-Time Geometry
5.2.3 The Proper Time
5.2.4 The Arrow of Time
5.3 Deriving the Three Principles of Relativity
5.3.1 Locality and the Speed of Light
5.3.2 Deriving Lorentz Factor
5.3.3 Deriving the Mass-Energy Relation
5.3.4 Relativistic Energy-Momentum Relation
5.3.5 Equivalence Principle
5.3.6 Negative and Multidimensional Energy
5.4 The Five Fundamental Interactions
Chapter VI: Consciousness and the Three Orthogonal Worlds
6.1 Metaphysics and Ontology
6.2 Incorporeal Entities
6.2.1 Soul and Spirit
6.2.2 Mind and Consciousness
6.2.3 Body and Aura
6.3 The Universal Body
6.4 The Universal Spirit
6.5 The Universal Soul
6.6 The Initial Body
6.7 The Cosmic Heart
6.8 Trinitarian World
6.8.1 The Kaaba
6.8.2 Why Matter is Discrete?
6.8.3 Breaking out of Time
6.8.4 World Formula
6.8.5 Constant Entities
6.8.6 Creation of Space
6.9 Duality of Time Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
6.9.1 Exclusion Principle
6.9.2 Uncertainty Principle
6.9.3 Mass Gap
6.9.4 Wave-Particle Duality
6.9.5 Collapse of Wave-Function
6.9.6 Effect of Observer
6.9.7 Entanglement
6.9.8 Quantum Causality
Chapter VII: Alchemy and Eternal Symmetry
7.1 What Is Alchemy?
7.1.1 Alchemy in Europe
7.1.2 Alchemy in Islam
7.1.3 Hermes Trismegistus
7.1.4 The Four Elements
7.2 The Hidden Symmetry
7.2.1 The Divine Quadratic Origin
7.2.2 The Twelve Zodiac Zones
7.2.3 The Seven Heavens
7.2.4 The Four Quantum Fields
7.2.5 Numerology
7.3 Squaring the Circle
7.3.1 The Problem of Infinity
7.3.2 The Theoretical Speed of Light
7.3.3 The Sexagesimal System
7.3.4 Fractals and Divergent Series
7.4 The Principle of Love
Author Biography
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... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...
... t this Book This is the second book on the subject of time. In “The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos†we introduced Ibn al-Arabi’s eccentric view of time and explored the GENERAL ASPECTS of his cosmology and cosmogony, with a brief discussion of the implications this cou ...
... d not have been possible without introducing the genuinely complex nature of time, which will eliminate all the complications needed for treating singularities and infinities encountered in Riemannian manifolds. Read Other Books: The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arab ...
... nics, not only because its name is directly derived from the word “quantumâ€, but because it is the ultimate science that manipulates the fundamental interactions between the meta PHYSICAL SPACE -time quanta that constitute all corporeal and incorporeal structures. I believe this ...
... , before or even after Ibn al-Arabi, although it is indeed central to understanding the controversial theory of the “oneness of beingâ€. This is probably because of the difficult SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE he usually used, in addition to the fact that his overall cosmological understandi ...
... conceptions and conclusions, deeply related to the core of natural philosophy and even mathematics, or geometry and number theory, in addition to physics and cosmology. However, unlike the PREVIOUS BOOK , which was more descriptive in its exploring the mystical cosmological views, at least ...
... osophy and even mathematics, or geometry and number theory, in addition to physics and cosmology. However, unlike the previous book, which was more descriptive in its exploring the mystical COSMOLOGICAL VIEW s, at least the main chapters of this book, that deal directly with the complex geo ...
... h the conclusions of modern physics and cosmology. Henceforth, the resulting hypothesis will lead at the same time to all the philosophical and mathematical principles of modern quantum and RELATIVITY THEORIES , joining them together in a unique way that is capable of solving the current di ...
... lity of Time is that vacuum is the real time, while our time is genuinely imaginary or latent to it, which makes it described as void. This vacuum-void duality is basically the same ancient ATOMISTIC PHILOSOPHY , reinterpreted out of the most original theological and philosophical conceptio ...
... renas and offering many possibilities for extraordinary future applications. However, this book does not claim to solve all the problems of science, so there will be also many speculations, PLAINLY STATED as such. Although this book contains advanced and innovative conceptions and claims t ...
... there will be also many speculations, plainly stated as such. Although this book contains advanced and innovative conceptions and claims to solve many persisting fundamental problems in the LATEST THEORIES , it is still easily accessible for the average reader familiar with the general adva ...
... y, because of the complexity of this subject and its interdisciplinary nature that has been drawn from various divergent sources, including physics, cosmology, philosophy and theology; some INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER s were necessary to put the various conceptions in their wider intellectual sens ...
I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!
By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.
Enjoy reading...
Mohamed Haj Yousef
Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".
Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>