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  • => TIME CHEST - 2.2.3 Temporality and Absolute Simultaneity
  • ... tself will eliminate all kinds of infinities that are normally encountered in the current background continuum models, due to singularities in the ill-defined Riemannian geometry.   &nb ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.1 The Duality of Time Postulate
  • ... which will eliminate all kinds of infinities that are normally encountered in the current background continuum models, due to singularities in the ill-defined geometry. Furthermore, as we sh ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 4.  A Brief General Analysis:
  • ... e itself, being granular and re-created dynamically in time, and not something in a fixed background continuum that used to be called vacuum. On the contrary, this dynamical aether provides ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 2.  Introduction:
  • ... anular space that evolves with time. Therefore, while Strings Theory still depends on the background continuum, LQG tries to be background-independent by attempting to quantize space-time it ...

  • => The Duality of Time Postulate
  • ... which will eliminate all kinds of infinities that are normally encountered in the current background continuum models, due to singularities in the ill-defined Riemannian geometry. List of So ...

  • => Mass-Generation Mechanism Based on the Duality of Time Theory
  • ... or rest mass. The problem in most current theories is that they consider space-time as a background continuum, where particles propagate in continuous existence, which means that they can a ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - II.1.3 The Fundamental Interactions
  • ... oth background is replaced by nodes. Therefore, while Strings theory still depends on the background continuum, LQG is trying to be independent of the background by quantizing space-time its ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - II.2.6 Yang-Mills Theory
  • ... ction III.3.3. The problem in most current theories is that they consider space-time as a background continuum, where particles propagate in continuous existence, which means that they can a ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME -  Duality of Time Interpretation
  • ... oth background is replaced by nodes. Therefore, while Strings theory still depends on the background continuum, Loop Quantum Gravity tries to be independent of the background by quantizing s ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 3.7  Strings Theory
  • ... or rest mass. The problem in most current theories is that they consider space-time as a background continuum, where particles propagate in continuous existence, which means that they can a ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - Chapter V: Complex-Time Hyperbolic Geometry
  • ... oth background is replaced by nodes. Therefore, while Strings Theory still depends on the background continuum, LQG tries to be independent of the background by trying to quantize space-time ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 1.3.2  Theory of Everything
  • ... tself will eliminate all kinds of infinities that are normally encountered in the current background continuum models, due to singularities in the ill-defined Riemannian geometry. No wonder, ...

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  • ... Monadology =>:

  • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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  • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon. How much it can fill your room, depends on the windows !
Jalaluddin Rumi [The Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks - -]