The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos, explains how physical multiplicity is emerging from absolute (metaphysical) Oneness, at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamental interactions become properties of the new granular complex-time geometry, at different dimensions. - => Conference Talk - Another Conference [Detailed Presentation]
Complex-Time Geometry and Perpetual Creation of Space
From this quick summary of the various interpretations and theories that tried to explain the quantum behavior, we can clearly notice that most of them have not actually introduced any substantial alternative to the original Copenhagen interpretation which they are criticizing as incomplete or incompatible with observations. On the other hand, although some interpretations are based on radical ideas, such as: many-worlds, many-minds and branching space-time, but those ideas do not actually explain, but only may hide away the main conflicts, such as the wave-particle duality, entanglement and the observer effect, all of which have become experimental facts.
When we add to that the main persisting conceptual incompatibility between Relativity and Quantum theories, although both of them have been tested rigorously and proved equally successful when applied separately in their own domains, we then reach the conclusion that any reasonable interpretation, that could explain the weird and counter-intuitive quantum phenomena, must be based on revolutionary concepts that can unequivocally explain the most fundamental quantum nature which stems from the actual nature of duality, between waves and particles.
Everything in the cosmos, as it has been verified by many experiments, is not only waves, and not only particles; while these two concepts are both contrasting and exclusive, i.e. they can’t together describe the same thing at the same time, and there is no other concept in the current physics apart from waves and particles. We need to solve this riddle before we can provide a complete and reasonable interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.
The Duality of Time exposes a deeper understanding of time, based on the indivisible ontological reality of oneness, from which all the phenomenological dualities in nature emerge and become complementary. So in simple words, as this shall be explained further in chapters V and VI, things are always perpetually being re-created in the inner levels of time before they evolve in the outer level. In the inner level things are metaphysical, or waves, and in the outer level they become physical particles, but only for the indivisible instance of time when they are observed. This concept will solve many major problems in physics, philosophy and mathematics, as it will be explained in the coming chapters, but for this matter we are discussing here, we will provide in the following a brief interpretation of the uncertainty on which the wave-function and superposition states are based.
According to the Duality of Time postulate, if we suppose the particle is composed ofindividual metaphysical points, or monads, each of which is an instance of the Single Monad, that is the only entity that exists in the real flow of time, then the total velocity of the particle is the time average of the velocities of all individual points, each of which is either at rest or moving at the speed of light at the particular single instance of the time of measurement. Therefore, in an object or particle of
individual points, because only one point exists in the real flow of time on the inner level of perpetual creation, the position of one of these points will be completely uncertain, because its velocity is equal to
, while the rest have been already defined, because they are now in the past, and their velocities have sequentially and abruptly collapsed from
to zero, after they have made their specific contribution to the total quantum state. When the number
is very large, as it is the case with large objects and heavy particles, the uncertainty will be very small, because only one point is completely uncertain at the real instance of time. But for small particles, such as the electron, the uncertainty could be considerably large. This uncertainty will also increase with momentum, because higher physical velocity simply means that on average more and more points are in real motion rather than rest.
This key insight, that will be elaborated further in chapter IV and formulated mathematically in chapter V, can solve all the puzzling features of Quantum Mechanics, such as uncertainty, the measurement problem or the effect of observers and consciousness, as well as the reality of wave-function and its collapse; thus offering a comprehensive interpretation.
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... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...
... hree principles of Relativity and transform it into full Quantum Field Theory because it is now based on discrete instances of dynamic space, without any background. Additionally, the other FUNDAMENTAL FORCES could now be interpreted in terms of this new complex-time geometry, but in lower ...
... velocities of compound particles and objects (in the complex time, which forms the physical dimensions of our space-time) are the temporal average of this spatial combination that may also DYNAMICALLY CHANGE as they are progressing over the outward ordinary time direction. Consequently, t ...
... time), while the apparent limited velocities of compound particles and objects (in the complex time, which forms the physical dimensions of our space-time) are the temporal average of this SPATIAL COMBINATION that may also dynamically change as they are progressing over the outward ordina ...
... light (in the inner/real time), while the apparent limited velocities of compound particles and objects (in the complex time, which forms the physical dimensions of our space-time) are the TEMPORAL AVERAGE of this spatial combination that may also dynamically change as they are progressin ...
... void is the discrete existence in the outer level. These two extreme states can be conceived as abstract forms but only a relative superposition of them can ever be observed or measured as RELATIVE EVENTS in space-time, or inner-outer time that is the complex-time that will be discussed f ...
... space, is the continuous existence in the inner level of time, and void is the discrete existence in the outer level. These two extreme states can be conceived as abstract forms but only a RELATIVE SUPERPOSITION of them can ever be observed or measured as relative events in space-time, or ...
... s this fundamental property that will enable the derivation of relativistic momentum-energy relation, the equivalence principle between the inertial and gravitational masses, in addition to ALLOWING ENERGY and mass to become imaginary, negative and even multidimensional. Figure 5.2: The ar ...
... ward time is effectively negative with respect to the real flow of time, will be inherited by the velocity, momentum and even energy; all of which will be also negative in relation to their REAL COUNTER part, as it will be discussed further in sections 3.2, 3.4, 3.6. It is this fundamental ...
... eed of light, as we have seen in section 3 above, so by definition is capped by , as can be also seen from equation 5.3 above. Furthermore, this important property, that the outward time is EFFECTIVELY NEGATIVE with respect to the real flow of time, will be inherited by the velocity, momen ...
... stein’s field equations, will follow directly from the complex-time geometry as it will be shown in sections 3.2 and 3.5 below. Furthermore, it will be shown in section 3.3 that this ESSENTIAL FACT that results from the genuinely complex nature of time is the only way that allows ex ...
... aws of motion become inapplicable since they prohibit massive particles from moving at the speed of light. In the inner level of time, however, this would be the normal behavior because the METAPHYSICAL MONAD s are still massless, and their continuous coupling and decoupling is what generat ...
I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!
By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.
Enjoy reading...
Mohamed Haj Yousef
Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".
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