The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos, explains how physical multiplicity is emerging from absolute (metaphysical) Oneness, at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamental interactions become properties of the new granular complex-time geometry, at different dimensions. - => Conference Talk - Another Conference [Detailed Presentation]
Complex-Time Geometry and Perpetual Creation of Space
For these and other circumstances, I stopped working on the subject for a few years, and maybe I started questioning myself again about its creditability. After all, it is not easy to imagine how the whole cosmos is being re-created anew every single instance of time! Sometimes I myself can’t imagine it to be true. Even with the recent developments that should leave no doubts, because the theory is now mathematically verified and it can be applied in solving many major persisting problems in physics and cosmology, nevertheless; if I do not keep my thoughts active on it for few days, I find myself in doubt again.
During the previous ten years that followed the Single Monad Model, I decided to work on other projects that could also help deepens my understanding of Ibn al-Arabi’s intricate conception of time and creation. The original research on Ibn al-Arabi’s time and cosmology was mainly based on a tiny portion of the Meccan Revelations, both in terms of passages size and the vast extent of subjects tackled in this magnum opus. Therefore, I decided to work on translating this essential book into English, since most of the serious scholarship nowadays is performed by students or scholars who may not have full access to the Arabic text, not to mention the fact that this extensive Arabic text itself needs to be properly edited, indexed and characterized to allow easier access, benefiting from existing computer accessibilities.
This job, however, was not easy at all. I remember when I decided to work on this book, I conversed about the idea with some prominent scholars in the field and I was utterly discouraged, claiming that translating this book is something absolutely impossible; due to its magnitude, complexity and mystical nature. Although I was definitely aware of that, I decided to try, but after I completed the first draft of the first volume, out of thirty seven, I had to stop because I realized much more difficulties than that I had been initially warned. This book, which is considered relatively easy compared to Ibn al-Arabi’s other several hundreds books, include many bolted sentences in almost every chapter that remain opaque and unclear to the most specialized scholars who have studied them for years.
... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...
... serve many simultaneous events, whereas in reality there can be no two cosmic events happening at the same instance of the real flow of time at all. This means that at every instance of the OUTWARD NORMAL level of time, space and matter are being re-created in one linear chronological sequ ...
... ic events happening at the same instance of the real flow of time at all. This means that at every instance of the outward normal level of time, space and matter are being re-created in one LINEAR CHRONOLOGICAL sequence but in various layered levels of time. These are the inner levels of t ...
... nd time are dynamically connected, simultaneous events in one frame of reference are not necessarily considered simultaneous with regard to another frame of reference moving at a relatively HIGH SPEED with regard to the first, as we will explain this further in chapter III when we review S ...
... simultaneously in one frame of reference were considered to have occurred simultaneously also in all other frames. Special Relativity, based on the principle that light travels at the same FINITE SPEED in all directions and in all frames of reference, corrected this erroneous idea. Becaus ...
... , where events which occur simultaneously in one frame of reference were considered to have occurred simultaneously also in all other frames. Special Relativity, based on the principle that LIGHT TRAVELS at the same finite speed in all directions and in all frames of reference, corrected t ...
... of Space by Mohamed Haj Yousef Search Inside this Book 1.2.6 Ultimate Simultaneity Classical mechanics considered time and space as absolute quantities, in accordance with the common CLASSICAL CONCEPT of simultaneity, where events which occur simultaneously in one frame of reference ...
... d Quantum Mechanics ...
... ill explain this further in chapter III when we review Special Relativity in section 2. With Ibn al-Arabi’s re-creation principle, the concept of simultaneity will have even a deeper RELATIVE ASPECT . With regard to us, as physical entities living in the normal level of time, we coul ...
... ative aspect. With regard to us, as physical entities living in the normal level of time, we could habitually observe many simultaneous events, whereas in reality there can be no two cosmic EVENTS HAPPENING at the same instance of the real flow of time at all. This means that at every inst ...
... ative aspect. With regard to us, as physical entities living in the normal level of time, we could habitually observe many simultaneous events, whereas in reality there can be no two cosmic EVENTS HAPPEN ing at the same instance of the real flow of time at all. This means that at every inst ...
... space and matter are being re-created in one linear chronological sequence but in various layered levels of time. These are the inner levels of time that later lead to the genuinely complex-time Euclidean space that can magnificently replace the non-Eclidean Minkowski space and eliminate t ...
I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!
By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.
Enjoy reading...
Mohamed Haj Yousef
Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".
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