Islamic Calligraphy


Complex-Time Geometry and Perpetual Creation of Space

by Mohamed Haj Yousef

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The Opening Epigraphs

In accordance with the same tradition by Muhyieddin Ibn al-Arabi in his Meccan Revelations and many other books, where he usually starts each chapter with a short poem that touches the essences of the subjects to be discussed, we also started every chapter in this book by some related epigraphs from Ibn al-Arabi and other famous thinkers. It is always good to come back to these opening epigraphs as you progress through the chapters, because they provide the essence of the matter under discussion, in a short but profound nested layers of meanings which will be certainly revealed more and more upon each subsequent reading.

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Read Other Books:

Single Monad Model of the Cosmos
The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's View of Time and Creation
The Duality of Time Theory
The Duality of Time Theory: Complex-Time Geometry and Perpertual Creation of Space
The Duality of Time Theory
The Ultimate Symmetry: Fractal Complex-Time and Quantum Gravity
The Chest of Time
The Chest of Time: Particle-Wave Duality: from Time Confinement to Space Transcendence

Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate:

he Duality of Time Postulate
DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Other Pages Related to Search Keywords:

  • ... Monadology =>:

  • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

  • ... Short Form =>:

  • ... sted in the Bibliography. You should notice, however, that newer type-scripted editions maybe different although some of them are also four volumes. In addition to the Futuhat, we also used SHORT FORM of references to many other books by Ibn al-Arabi, like: Ayyam al-Shaaan, al-Tanazzulat a ...

  • ... Perpetual Creation =>:

  • ... e exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

  • ... Meccan Revelation =>:

  • ... rences that will be included at the end of this book, and referenced properly in the text, most of the other quotes are based on Ibn al-Arabi’s major comprehensive work of the “Meccan Revelations” (“Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyya”). Therefore, because we are going to ...

  • ... Meccan Revelations =>:

  • ... rences that will be included at the end of this book, and referenced properly in the text, most of the other quotes are based on Ibn al-Arabi’s major comprehensive work of the “Meccan Revelations” (“Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyya”). Therefore, because we are going to ...

  • ... Modern Physics =>:

  • ... and discussed in different contexts as they appear in the text. The general reviews, especially in chapters II and III, of the main relevant conceptions and theories in natural philosophy, MODERN PHYSICS and cosmology, are summarized from texts and information widely available on free Int ...

  • ... Published B =>:

  • ... ans: []. When the line number is omitted, the reference is in the entire page, or a range of pages like this [II.229-231]. For all this, we have used the standard edition re- PUBLISHED B y many houses based on (photocopy of) the old edition of Bulaq, published in 1911, in fou ...

  • ... Tanazzulat Al =>:

  • ... maybe different although some of them are also four volumes. In addition to the Futuhat, we also used short form of references to many other books by Ibn al-Arabi, like: Ayyam al-Shaaan, al-Tanazzulat al-Mawsiliyya and al-Durrat ul-Bayda, which will be also listed in the bibliography, toge ...

  • ... Natural Philosophy =>:

  • ... tions are referenced and discussed in different contexts as they appear in the text. The general reviews, especially in chapters II and III, of the main relevant conceptions and theories in NATURAL PHILOSOPHY , modern physics and cosmology, are summarized from texts and information widely a ...

  • ... Previous Book =>:

  • ... interpretations of them, which are referenced as explained above. Readers who are interested to learn more about these specific cosmological prophetic narrations, are kindly directed to the PREVIOUS BOOK on the Single Monad Model where these narrations are referenced and discussed in diffe ...

  • ... Line Number =>:

  • ... y often, we shall use a short reference style directly in the text, without using footnotes, enclosed by medium brackets with the form: [X.000.00], which means: []. When the LINE NUMBER is omitted, the reference is in the entire page, or a range of pages like this [II.229-2 ...

  • ... Yousef Search =>:

  • ... ate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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