The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos, explains how physical multiplicity is emerging from absolute (metaphysical) Oneness, at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamental interactions become properties of the new granular complex-time geometry, at different dimensions. - => Conference Talk - Another Conference [Detailed Presentation]
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Mohamed Haj Yousef | 2024-01-16 02:55:38 | 0 | 751 |
Answered by Bing:
Some of the key concepts in Ibn al-Arabi's philosophy are1 2 3:
The unity of being (wahdat al-wujud), which asserts that there is only one reality, namely God, and that everything else is a manifestation of His names and attributes.
The perfect man (al-insan al-kamil), which refers to the highest level of human potential, exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, who embodied all the divine qualities and was the mirror of God.
The imaginal world (al-alam al-khayal), which is a subtle realm between the physical and the spiritual, where visions, dreams, and symbols are experienced and interpreted.
The universal intellect (al-aql al-kull), which is the first and highest creation of God, and the source of all knowledge and wisdom.
The universal soul (al-nafs al-kulliya), which is the second creation of God, and the origin of all life and motion.
The cosmic hierarchy (al-tabaqat al-kawniyya), which is the order of existence that descends from the divine to the material, through various levels of angels, spirits, souls, and elements.
The divine breath (al-nafas al-rahmani), which is the creative act of God that brings forth the universe from nothingness, and renews it at every instant.
The divine presence (al-hadra), which is the state of awareness and communion with God, attained by the mystic through contemplation and love.
1. Ibn al-ʿArabī | Muslim Mystic, Sufi Philosopher | Britannica
2. Chapter 20: Ibn `Arabi | A History of Muslim Philosophy ... -
3. An analytic philosophical approach to Ibn Arabi’s conception of ...
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Mohamed Haj Yousef | Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi | 2024-01-16 02:55:38 | 0 | 751 |
- | Category | Description | Topics | |
- | [Single Monad Model] |
The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos; its origins, history, principles and consequences. | (73) | |
- | [Duality of Time] |
The Duality of Time Theory and its consequences on modern theories of physics and cosmology. | (14) | |
- | [Islamic Cosmology] |
Islamic Cosmology | (2) | |
- | [Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi] |
Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi | (3) | |
- | [Ancient Cosmology] |
Ancient Cosmology | (0) | |
- | [Future Perspectives] |
Future Perspectives | (1) | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... t the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... hored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... ion to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... f the Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
... os and Duality of Time Theory, authored by Mohamed Haj Yousef, in addition to some other related books about the Islamic concept of time and its implications on modern physics and cosmology. ...
I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!
By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.
Enjoy reading...
Mohamed Haj Yousef
Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".
Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>