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  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory
  • ... and creation, known as the theory of the Oneness of Being , that is the ultimate Islamic Cosmology and ontology. The author started on this project in early 1990s, as an extracurricular int ...

  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory
  • ... re, which then coincided with my juvenile curiosity and amateur interest in astronomy and Cosmology. Therefore, this was quickly developed into a steady devotion and strong commitment that w ...

  • => متناقضات زينون في ضوء رؤية ابن العربي للزمن
  • ... سنة 2008 باللغة الإنكليزية: (Mohamed Haj Yousef, Ibn Arabi: Time and Cosmology, Routledge-London, New York : 2008) وقد تمَّ مؤخراً ترجمته إلى ال ...

  • => Cosomology and Time - part 1
  • ... ى الآن.   علم الكون إنّ علم الكون (الكوزمولوجيا Cosmology)ï؟½ هو العلمُ الذي يدرسُ الكونَ من حيث نشأته وبني ...

  • => Some Brief Articles Extracted from the Single Monad Book Series
  • ... of the Cosmos A Brief Overview of Early Cosmological Models Summary of Modern Theories of Cosmology Preliminary Outline of Ibn Arabi's Cosmology Time in Philosophy and Science, Introduction ...

  • => Space-Time and Creation in Six Days
  • ... e) that talk about the creation in six Days is promising in terms of modern astronomy and Cosmology, because it suggests the first real unification between space and time, as well as a sense ...

  • => Days of Other Orbs and Divine Names
  • ... otice their motion despite their very high speed (an observation well confirmed by modern Cosmology). Therefore when we say 'the day is the period of motion of fixed stars', we now know toda ...

  • => Dimensions of the Unseen world
  • ... erything [I.168.22, see also III.540.33]. Dimensions play a very important role in modern Cosmology and mathematics. There are real dimensions and abstract dimensions. In principle, we can - ...

  • => A Brief Overview of Early Cosmological Models
  • ... f the universe, while the heliocentric view considers the sun to be in the centre. Modern Cosmology, however, asserts that the universe, being a closed spacetime arena, doesn't have a centre ...

  • => Human Teeth and Elementray Particles
  • ... s is the first attempt to treat these esoteric subjects under the umbrella of physics and Cosmology, the discussion in these two chapters will be limited to general description of their hier ...

  • => The Metaphysical Triplicity (Trinity) of the Cosmos
  • ... y of subject, object and resulting act is fundamental throughout Ibn ‘Arabî's Cosmology. Thus he summarizes the process of creation by saying that the Universal Intellect (subjec ...

  • => The Different Names of the Single Monad
  • ... is - as the Single Monad - indivisible but compound. This also has its example in modern Cosmology as the black hole which occupies a single point in our space but itself is considered comp ...

  • => The Origin of the World
  • ... loration of Ibn al-Arabi's view of time, because it is truly the key to understanding his Cosmology and theology. Read Other Books: The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's View of ...

  • => Preliminary Outline of Ibn Arabis Cosmology
  • ... Time and Creation... more on this can be found here . Preliminary Outline of Ibn Arabi's Cosmology Ibn al-Arabi (560-638AH/1165-1240AD) was a great sufi thinker of the Middle Ages and one o ...

  • => Physical Time and Spiritual Time
  • ... airly say that Ibn al-Arabi's conception of natural time is the time known in physics and Cosmology, and that this spiritual time resembles what is called by many modern philosophers 'psycho ...

  • => Principle of Love
  • ... ect if they agree with him. Although the subject of that book was not directly related to Cosmology altogether, I put an illustration on the front cover to demonstrate the Sufi concept of ab ...

  • => Relative and Curved Time
  • ... e used the word 'the age' (or eternal, 'divine time'), instead of time, because in modern Cosmology the curvature of time is apparent only at very large scales, and we shall see below (secti ...

  • => The Significance of Each Day of the Divine Week
  • ... k: Because of the importance of the Days of the Week of divine creation in Ibn al-Arabi's Cosmology, he writes about them at length in the Futuhat and other books. In his mysterious book al- ...

  • => The Significance of the Week in Theology and Astronomy
  • ... Significance of the Week in Theology and Astronomy: In most Islamic books that talk about Cosmology, we find many diagrams and tables that associate each day of the seven days of the week wi ...

  • => Temporal Entanglement and the Phenomena of Single Particle Interference
  • ... ading (1965), p. 1-1.   5.      M. Haj Yousef, “The Concept of Time in Ibn Arabi's Cosmology and Its Implications for Modern Physics”, Exeter University (2005), also: M. Haj Yousef, ...

  • => Spreading the Shadows
  • ... just reviewed. But what is particularly important here, in terms of Ibn al-Arabi's actual Cosmology and understanding of time, is that the created entities of the world that are the evanesce ...

  • => The Contrasting Approaches of Sufism and Philosophy
  • ... l understand what they say. The problem with the current laws and theories of physics and Cosmology is that so far, although they have proved to be quite accurate and powerful in application ...

  • => Summary of Modern Theories of Cosmology
  • ... ew of Time and Creation... more on this can be found here . Summary of Modern Theories of Cosmology Since Copernicus' time, our view of the cosmos has grown both larger and more accurate. It ...

  • => The Age
  • ... e some references in Ibn al-Arabi's writing that seem to parallel what is known in modern Cosmology as the 'bubbles' model of the universe, where the universe is full of black holes that cau ...

  • => The Cosmic Computer
  • ... e trinity of: subject, object, and action. For this reason, the philosophers of emanation Cosmology concluded that: “from (the simple) one only one can proceed” [ [10] ]. Consequently, i ...

  • => The Cosmic Heart
  • ... deduced directly from fundamental classical principles. All major problems in physics and Cosmology can be resolved with minor efforts based on this innovative model:   - why the speed of l ...

  • => The Four Main Time Cycles
  • ... ined below, gives a profound and essential significance to the Week in terms of astronomy/Cosmology as well as the theology of creation. This will be the main focus throughout this chapter ( ...

  • => World Formula and the Kaaba
  • ... se of this book series is to renovate these dispersed illuminations into precise model of Cosmology with comprehensive theory of complex-time geometry. The splitting of heavens and earth is ...

  • => The Divine Origin of the Seven Days of the Week
  • ... nformation brought together in this Table III.1 provides essential keys to Ibn al-Arabi's Cosmology, astrological symbolism, and understanding of the spiritual hierarchy. However here we are ...

  • => The Single Monad
  • ... f the term ‘monad’/jawhar, however, are also intrinsically linked in Ibn al-Arabi’s Cosmology, since he argues that all the monads of the world are created by, and are therefore the 'i ...

  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos
  • ... an be found here . The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos All major problems in physics and Cosmology may be resolved based on this innovative model:   - why the speed of light is constant a ...

  • => Space-Time and the Speed of Light
  • ... it would be a minimum terminal. Such a case, therefore, is predictable in Ibn al-Arabi's Cosmology, as he mentions in regard to this mysterious 'earth of Reality'. =========== [1] For more ...

  • => The Two Cycles of Life
  • ... of the kinds created by Allah. The numbers that he gives clearly do not agree with modern Cosmology and geology, and can not be explained or understood in those terms (as we showed in sectio ...

  • => Time in Earlier Islamic Philosophy:
  • ... t reason must be subordinate to the literal data of revelation. They accepted some of the Cosmology of the Mu‘tazilites, but put forward a nuanced rejection of their theological principles ...

  • => Time in Modern Science:
  • ... s is still not like travel in physical time, which is conceivable now only in theoretical Cosmology. Although travel in time is possible and allowed according to the equations of Relativity, ...

  • => Time in Philosophy and Science, Introduction
  • ... ? These and many other similar questions have been the subject of philosophy, physics and Cosmology for many centuries, with little progress in finding convincing answers. The question: 'Wha ...

  • => Time in Western Philosophy
  • ... to these postulates, space is homogeneous like that which we feel on the earth. In modern Cosmology and with the highly intensity gravity found near giant stars and galaxies, space can no lo ...

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  • ... Monadology =>:

  • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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  • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,... Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a Line. Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
Omar Khayyam [- - trns. Edward Fitzgerald]