Islamic Calligraphy


Ibn al-Arabi's Concept of Time and Creation

by Mohamed Haj Yousef

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C: English Translations and Studies on Ibn Arabi and Related Subjects:


Addas, C. (1985) Ibn Arabi ou La qu te du Soufre Rouge, Paris: Gallimard; translated into English by: Kingsley, p. (1993), Quest for Red Sulphur: The Life of Ibn Arabi, Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society


Affifi, A. E. (1938) The Mystical Philosophy of Muhyid Din-Ibn ul Arabi, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


(1998) The Twenty-nine Pages: An Introduction to Ibn Arabi's Metaphysics of Unity, Cambridge: Beshara Publications


Ali, A. Y. (2001) The Meaning of the Holy Qur an: Arabic/English with Commentary, Beltsville, US: Amana Publications


Arberry, A. J. (1956) Sufism, An Account of the Mystics of Islam, London: George Allan and Anwin


Austin, R. J. (1971) Sufis of Andalusia, London: George Allen & Unwin


, trans. (1980) The Bezels of Wisdom, New York: Paulist Press; translation and introduction by Ralph Austin and preface by Titus Burckhardt.


Beneito, P., Hirtenstein, S. (trans.) (2000) The Seven Days of the Heart; Prayers for the Nights and Days of the Week, Oxford: Anqa Publishing


Bewley, A., trans. (2002) Ibn Arabi: The Mysteries of Bearing Witness to the Oneness of God and Prophet-hood of Muhammad, Chicago: Kazi Publications


Böwering, G. (1992) 'Ibn Al- Arabi's Concept of Time', in God is Beautiful and He Loves Beauty: Festschrift in Honour of Annemarie Schimmel presented by students, friends and colleagues, edited by Alma Giese and J. Christoph B rgel, Bern: Peter Lang: 71-91


Brockelmann, C. (1996) Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers


Burkhardt, T. (1950), Mystical Astrology according to Ibn Arabi (Clef spirituelle de l astrologie musulmane d apr s Mohyi-d-din Ibn Arabi); translated into English by: Bulent Rauf (1977) Abingdon: Beshara Publications


Chittick, W. C., Morris, J. W. (trans.), Chodkiewicz, M. (ed.) (2002) The Meccan Revelations, Volume I, New York: Pir Press


Chittick, W. C. (1998) The Self-disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn Al-Arabi's Cosmology, Albany, NY: SUNY Press


(1996) 'The School of Ibn Arabi', in History of Islamic Philosophy, S. H. Nasr and O. Leaman (eds.) London: Routledge


(1989) The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn Al- Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination, Albany, NY: SUNY Press


Chodkiewicz, C., Gril, D., (trans.), Chodkiewicz, M. (ed.) (2004) The Meccan Revelations, Volume II, New York: Pir Press


Chodkiewicz, M. (1993) The Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi, Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society


, trans. D. Streight (1993) An Ocean Without Shore, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press


Corbin, H. (1969) Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi, Princeton: Bollingen


Culme-Seymour, A. (trans.) (1984) The Wisdom of the Prophets (Fusus Al-Hikam), translated from Arabic to French with notes by Titus Burckhardt; translated from French to English by Angela Culme-Seymour, New Delhi: TAJ company.


Davidson, H. A. (1992) Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroes: Their Cosmology, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of the Human Intellect, New York, Oxford University Press


(1987) Proofs for Eternity, Creation, and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press


Elmore, G. T. (2000) Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time: Ibn Al-'Arabi's "Book of the Fabulous Gryphon", Leiden: Brill; introduction, translations and notes by Gerald T. Elmore of Ibn Arabi's book: Anqa Mughrib.


(1999) 'Ibn Al- Arabi's Book of 'the Fabulous Gryphon' ( Anqa Al-Mughrib)', The Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society, Volume XXV


Harris, R.T., (trans.) (1989) Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi manual on retreat; with notes from commentary of A. K. Jili, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International


Hirtenstein, S. (ed.) (1997) Foundations of the spiritual life according to Ibn Arabi: Prayer & contemplation, San Francisco: Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society


(1999) The Unlimited Mercifier, The Spiritual Life and Thought of Ibn Arabi, Oxford: Anqa


Husaini, S. A. (1996) Ibn Al- Arabi: The Great Muslim Mystic and Thinker, Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf


(1979) The Pantheistic Monism of Ibn Al- Arabi, Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf


Gril, D. (1994) Le d voilement des effets du voyage Ibn Arabi, Combas: Éditions de l'Éclat; translation into French of Ibn Arabi's Kitab Al-Isfar 'an Nata ij Al-Asfar, with introduction.


Izutsu, T. (1983) Sufism and Taoism, Los Angeles: University of California Press


Knysh, A. D. (1999) Ibn Arabi in the Later Islamic Tradition: The Making of a Polemical Image in Medieval Islam, Albany, NY: SUNY Press


Netton, I. R. (1992) Al-Farabi and His School, London: Routledge


(1998) Middle East Sources: A Melcom Guide to Middle Eastern and Islamic Books and Materials in the United Kingdom and Irish Libraries, London: Routledge.


(1989) Allah Transcendent, London: Routledge


Nasr, S. H. (1964) Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna-Suhrawardi-Ibn Arabi, New York: Caravan Books


(1978) An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines: Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for its Study by the Ikhwan Al-Safa, Al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina, London: Thames and Hudson


Nicholson, R. A (1969) A Literary History of the Arabs, London: Cambridge University Press


(1980) Studies in Islamic Mysticism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


(1974) The Mystics of Islam, London and Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul


MacDonald, D. B. (1927) 'Continuous Re-creation and Atomic Time in Muslim Scholastic Theology', Isis 9: 326-344


Morris, J. W. (1993) Seeing Past the Shadows: Ibn Arabi's "Divine Comedy", in Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society XII: 50-69


Ormsby, E. (1984) Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over Al-Ghazali's "Best of All Possible Worlds", Princeton: Princeton University Press


Pickthall, M. M. (1996) The Meaning of the Glorious Qur an: An Explanatory Translation, Beltsville, US: Amana Publications; revised and edited in modern standard English by Dr. Arafat El-Ashi.


Palacios, M. A. (1979) Ibn Arabi: His Life and Doctrine, translated into Arabic by Abd-el-Rahman Badawi, Kuwait: Wikalat Al-Matbu at


Sambursky, S., S. (1987) The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonism: Texts With Translation, Introduction and Notes, Brill Academic Pub


Schimmel, A. (1993) The Mystery of Numbers, Oxford: Oxford University Press


(1975) Mystical Dimensions of Islam, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina


Sorabji, R. (1983) Time, Creation and the Continuum: Theories in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Ithica: Cornell University Press


Yahya, O. (1964) Histoire et Classification de l'oeuvre d'Ibn 'Arabi, Damascus: Institut fran ais


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  • ... Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society XII: 50-69 212. Ormsby, E. (1984) Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over Al-Ghazali's "Best of All Possible Worlds" , Princeton: Princeton University Press 213. Pickthall, M. M. (1996) The Meaning of the Glorious Qur an: An Expla ...

  • ... Unlimited Mercifier =>:

  • ... rnational 195. Hirtenstein, S. (ed.) (1997) Foundations of the spiritual life according to Ibn Arabi: Prayer & contemplation , San Francisco: Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society 196. (1999) The Unlimited Mercifier, The Spiritual Life and Thought of Ibn Arabi , Oxford: Anqa 197. Husaini, S. A. ...

  • ... California Press =>:

  • ... ions de l'Éclat; translation into French of Ibn Arabi's Kitab Al-Isfar 'an Nata ij Al-Asfar , with introduction. 200. Izutsu, T. (1983) Sufism and Taoism , Los Angeles: University of California Press 201. Knysh, A. D. (1999) Ibn Arabi in the Later Islamic Tradition: The Making of a ...

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  • ... e Ikhwan Al-Safa, Al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina , London: Thames and Hudson 207. Nicholson, R. A (1969) A Literary History of the Arabs , London: Cambridge University Press 208. (1980) Studies in Islamic Mysticism , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 209. (1974) The Mystics of Islam , London ...

  • ... English Translations =>:

  • ... ts Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

  • ... Anqa Publishing =>:

  • ... duction by Ralph Austin and preface by Titus Burckhardt. 176. Beneito, P., Hirtenstein, S. (trans.) (2000) The Seven Days of the Heart; Prayers for the Nights and Days of the Week , Oxford: Anqa Publishing 177. Bewley, A., trans. (2002) Ibn Arabi: The Mysteries of Bearing Witness to the On ...

  • ... Sufi Path =>:

  • ... Ibn Al-Arabi's Cosmology , Albany, NY: SUNY Press 183. (1996) 'The School of Ibn Arabi', in History of Islamic Philosophy , S. H. Nasr and O. Leaman (eds.) London: Routledge 184. (1989) The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn Al- Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination , Albany, NY: SUNY Press 185. Cho ...

  • ... Human Intellect =>:

  • ... English by Angela Culme-Seymour, New Delhi: TAJ company. 190. Davidson, H. A. (1992) Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroes: Their Cosmology, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of the Human Intellect , New York, Oxford University Press 191. (1987) Proofs for Eternity, Creation, and t ...

  • ... Active Intellect =>:

  • ... Burckhardt; translated from French to English by Angela Culme-Seymour, New Delhi: TAJ company. 190. Davidson, H. A. (1992) Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroes: Their Cosmology, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of the Human Intellect , New York, Oxford University Press 191. (1987 ...

  • ... Cosmological Doctrines =>:

  • ... 204. (1989) Allah Transcendent , London: Routledge 205. Nasr, S. H. (1964) Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna-Suhrawardi-Ibn Arabi , New York: Caravan Books 206. (1978) An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines: Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for its Study by the Ikhwan Al-Safa, ...

  • ... Classification De =>:

  • ... North Carolina 218. Sorabji, R. (1983) Time, Creation and the Continuum: Theories in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages , Ithica: Cornell University Press 219. Yahya, O. (1964) Histoire et Classification de l'oeuvre d'Ibn 'Arabi , Damascus: Institut fran ais       Read Othe ...

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