Islamic Calligraphy


Ibn al-Arabi's Concept of Time and Creation

by Mohamed Haj Yousef

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B: Arabic Works on Ibn Arabi and Related Subjects:


Abdul-Muta al, A. (2003) Tasawwur Ibn Sina li-l-Zaman wa Usuluh Al-Yunaniyya ('Ibn Sina's Concept of Time and Its Greek Origins') Alexandria: Dar Al-Wafa


Abu Zayd, N. H. (1983) Falsafat Al-Ta wil ('A Study of Ibn Arabi's Interpretation of Qur an'), Beirut: Dar Al-Wahda


(2002) Hakadha Takallama Ibn Arabi ('That is What Ibn Arabi Said'), Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization


Al-Ghazali, M. (1927) Tahafut Al-Falasifa ('The Incoherence of the Philosophers'), ed. M. Bouyges with a summary in Latin, Beirut: n.p.


Al-Hakim, S. (1981) Al-Mu jam Al-Sufi: Al-Hikma fi Hudud Al-Kalima ('The Sufi Dictionary: The Wisdom in the Word'), Beirut: Dandarah


(1991) Ibn Arabi wa Mawlid Lugha Jadida ('Ibn Arabi and the Birth of a New Language'), Beirut: Al-Mu assasa Al-Jami yya


Al-Jili, A. (1999) Maratib Al-Wujud ('The Levels of Existence'), Cairo: Maktabat Al-Qahira


(1970) Al-Insan Al-Kamil fi Ma rifat Al-Awa il wAl-Awakhir ('The Perfect Human Being '), Cairo: Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi


Al-Kindi (1950) Rasa il Al-Kindi Al-Falsafiyya, Risala fi Al-Falsafa Al-uola ('Al-Kindi's Philosophical Treatises, a Treatise on the First Philosophy'), ed. Muhammed A. Abu Rida, Cairo: n.p.


Al-Marzuqi (2002) Al-Azmina wAl-Amkina ('The Times and the Places'), ed. Muhammad N. Al-Daylami, Beirut: Alama li-l-Kutub


Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi (1989) Kanz Al-'Ummal ('The Treasure of the Workers'), Beirut: Mu assasat Al-Risala


Al-Sha rani, A. (1959) Al-Yawaqit wa-l-Jawahir fi Bayan Aqa'id Al-Akabir, Cairo: Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi; including: Al-Kibrit Al-Ahmar fi Bayan Ulum Al-Shaykh Al-Akbar.


Al-Suyuti, J. (1995) Tanbih Al-Ghabi fi Tanzih Ibn Arabi ('Warning to the Ignoramus Concerning Ibn Arabi's Vindication'), Cairo: Dar Al- Ilm wa-l-Thaqafa, ed. Mohammad Salim


Al-Taftazani, A. G. (1973) Ibn Sab in wa Falsafatuh Al-Sufiyya ('Ibn Sab in and His Sufi Philosophy'), Beirut: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Lubnani


'Al-Turath Al- Arabi', periodical Magazine published by the Arabic Authors Union in Damascus, special issue 80, July 2000; this issue was devoted to Ibn Arabi, with 10 articles by various Arab writers.


Badawi, A. (1965) Aristutalis, Al-Tabi a. Tarjamat Ishaq ibn Hunayn ma a shuruh Ibn Al-Samh wa Ibn adi wa Matta ibn Yunus wa Abi Al-Faraj ibn ayyib, 2 vols. ('Aristotle s Physics '), Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization


Ibn Sina (1983) Al-Shifa [Al-Tabi'iyyat: Al-Sama Al-Tabi i], ed. Sa id Zayid, Cairo: L Organisation Egyptienne G n rale du Livre


Ibn Taymiyya (1969) Jami Al-Rasa il ('The Collection of Treatises'), ed. Muhammad Rashad Salim, Cairo: Maktabat Al-Madani


Madhkur, I. B. (1969) ed.: Al-Kitab Al-Tadhkari, Muhyi Al-Din Ibn Arabi ('The Commemorative Book of Muhyi ed-Din Ibn Arabi'), Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization


Mahmud, A. (1995) ed.: Diwan Ibn Al-Farid ('Ibn Al-Farid s Poetry'), Cairo: Ayn for Human and Social Studies


Radi, A. A. (1970) Al-Ruhiyya inda Ibn Arabi ('Spirituality in Ibn Arabi'), Cairo: Maktabat Al-Nahda Al-Masriyya


Salim, M. I. (1996) Miftah Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyya ('The Key to the Meccan Openings'), Cairo: Al-Sharika Al-Muttahida


(1993) Ta yid Al-Sufiyya fi Al-Majmu a Al-Hatimiyya ('Supporting the Sufis Through the Hatimi Works'), Cairo: Maktabat Hamada


Yahya, O., trans. Ahmad Al-Tayyib (2001) Mu allafat Ibn Arabi, Tarikhuha wa Tasnifuha ('History and Classification of Ibn Arabi's Books'), Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization; Arabic translation of the original Osman Yahya's book in French.


Yousef, M. H. (1999) Suluk Al-Qalb Min Al-Wujud Ila Al-Fana thumm Al-Baqa : Sharh Ta wil al-Shaykh al-Akbar Muhyi al-Din Ibn Arabi li Surat Yusuf ('Ibn Arabi's Interpretation of the Sura of Joseph'), Beirut: Dar Al-Hayat


, (2006) Shams Al-Magrib ('Biography of Ibn 'Arabi') Aleppo: Dar Fussilat


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The Duality of Time Theory
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DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

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  • ... . B. (1969) ed.: Al-Kitab Al-Tadhkari, Muhyi Al-Din Ibn Arabi ('The Commemorative Book of Muhyi ed-Din Ibn Arabi'), Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization 162. Mahmud, A. (1995) ed.: Diwan Ibn Al-Farid ('Ibn Al-Farid s Poetry'), Cairo: Ayn for Human and Social Studies 163. Radi, A. ...

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  • ... he Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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  • ... l-Mu assasa Al-Jami yya 149. Al-Jili, A. (1999) Maratib Al-Wujud ('The Levels of Existence'), Cairo: Maktabat Al-Qahira 150. (1970) Al-Insan Al-Kamil fi Ma rifat Al-Awa il wAl-Awakhir ('The Perfect Human Being '), Cairo: Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi 151. Al-Kindi (1950) Rasa il Al-Kindi Al-Fa ...

  • ... Published B =>:

  • ... 156. Al-Taftazani, A. G. (1973) Ibn Sab in wa Falsafatuh Al-Sufiyya ('Ibn Sab in and His Sufi Philosophy'), Beirut: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Lubnani 157. ' Al-Turath Al- Arabi ', periodical Magazine PUBLISHED B y the Arabic Authors Union in Damascus, special issue 80, July 2000; this issue was devot ...

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  • ... mplex-Time Geometry and Perpertual Creation of Space The Ultimate Symmetry: Fractal Complex-Time and Quantum Gravity The Chest of Time: Particle-Wave Duality: from Time Confinement to Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality ...

  • ... Mu Jam Al =>:

  • ... an Book Organization 146. Al-Ghazali, M. (1927) Tahafut Al-Falasifa ('The Incoherence of the Philosophers'), ed. M. Bouyges with a summary in Latin, Beirut: n.p. 147. Al-Hakim, S. (1981) Al-Mu jam Al-Sufi: Al-Hikma fi Hudud Al-Kalima ('The Sufi Dictionary: The Wisdom in the Word'), Beirut: ...

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  • ... ativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

  • ... Arabic Translation =>:

  • ... 66. Yahya, O., trans. Ahmad Al-Tayyib (2001) Mu allafat Ibn Arabi, Tarikhuha wa Tasnifuha ('History and Classification of Ibn Arabi's Books'), Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization; Arabic translation of the original Osman Yahya's book in French. 167. Yousef, M. H. (1999) Suluk Al- ...

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  • ... -Azmina wAl-Amkina ('The Times and the Places'), ed. Muhammad N. Al-Daylami, Beirut: Alama li-l-Kutub 153. Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi (1989) Kanz Al-'Ummal ('The Treasure of the Workers'), Beirut: Mu assasat Al-Risala 154. Al-Sha rani, A. (1959) Al-Yawaqit wa-l-Jawahir fi Bayan Aqa'id Al-Akabir , ...

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  • ... Al-Qahira 150. (1970) Al-Insan Al-Kamil fi Ma rifat Al-Awa il wAl-Awakhir ('The Perfect Human Being '), Cairo: Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi 151. Al-Kindi (1950) Rasa il Al-Kindi Al-Falsafiyya, Risala fi Al-Falsafa Al-uola ('Al-Kindi's Philosophical Treatises, a Treatise on the First Philosoph ...

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  • ... Aleppo: Dar Fussilat       Read Other Books: The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's View of Time and Creation The Duality of Time Theory: Complex-Time Geometry and Perpertual Creation of Space The Ultimate Symmetry: Fractal Complex-Time and Quantum Gravity The Che ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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