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Particle-Wave Duality: from Time Confinement to Space Transcendence

by Mohamed Haj Yousef

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3.3.6 The Source of Uncertainty

If we suppose the particle is composed of N individual geometrical points, or monads, each of which is an instance of the Single Monad, then these points are created internally at the speed of light in the real flow of time, and appear to be collectively moving in the outward imaginary time at the limited speed v; thus the particle is described by (c, v). The total kinetic velocity of the particle v is the time average of the velocities of all individual points, each of which is either at rest or moving at the speed of light at the particular single instance of the time of measurement.

Therefore, in an object or particle of N individual points, because only one point actually exists in the real flow of time on the inner level of perpetual creation, the position of this point is completely undetermined, because its velocity is equal to c, while the rest have been already defined, because they are now in the past, and their velocities had been sequentially and abruptly collapsed from c to zero, after they had made their corresponding specific contribution to the total quantum state which defines the position of the object with relation to the observer.

When the number N is very large, as it is the case with large objects and heavy particles, the uncertainty will be very small, because only one point is completely uncertain at the real instance of time. But for small particles, such as the electron, the uncertainty could be considerably large, because it is inversely proportional to N.

This uncertainty in position will also increase with (the imaginary) velocity v, or momentum p=mv, with relation to the observer, because higher velocity means that on average more and more points are becoming in the real motion, at c, rather than rest. So the number of monads is actually the number of discrete states at the time of measurement with relation to a stationary observer. This number decreases as the object accelerates, because the states that are at c are indistinguishable, so the number N tends to one when velocity tends to c, in which case the momentum will be defined at mc but the uncertainty in position becomes 100%, so all the states will overlap until they become completely indistinguishable as in the case of Bose-Einstein statistics as we have seen in the previous section. When the mass tends to infinity, the number of states tends infinity too, and the uncertainty becomes in position zero, which describes a singularity in space-time geometry, but in that case the momentum, or energy, will be completely undefined.

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Read Other Books:

Single Monad Model of the Cosmos
The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's View of Time and Creation
The Duality of Time Theory
The Duality of Time Theory: Complex-Time Geometry and Perpertual Creation of Space
The Duality of Time Theory
The Ultimate Symmetry: Fractal Complex-Time and Quantum Gravity
The Chest of Time
The Chest of Time: Particle-Wave Duality: from Time Confinement to Space Transcendence

Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate:

he Duality of Time Postulate
DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

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  • ... orresponding specific contribution to the total quantum state which defines the position of the object with relation to the observer. When the number N is very large, as it is the case with LARGE OBJECTS and heavy particles, the uncertainty will be very small, because only one point is com ...

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  • ... er N tends to one when velocity tends to c , in which case the momentum will be defined at mc but the uncertainty in position becomes 100% , so all the states will overlap until they become COMPLETELY INDISTINGUISHABLE as in the case of Bose-Einstein statistics as we have seen in the previ ...

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  • ... ore and more points are becoming in the real motion, at c , rather than rest. So the number of monads is actually the number of discrete states at the time of measurement with relation to a STATIONARY OBSERVER . This number decreases as the object accelerates, because the states that are at ...

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  • ... small, because only one point is completely uncertain at the real instance of time. But for small particles, such as the electron, the uncertainty could be considerably large, because it is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to N . This uncertainty in position will also increase with (the imaginary) v ...

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  • ... tance of the Single Monad, then these points are created internally at the speed of light in the real flow of time, and appear to be collectively moving in the outward imaginary time at the LIMITED SPEED v ; thus the particle is described by (c, v) . The total kinetic velocity of the parti ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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As a result of the original divine manifestation, all kinds of motions are driven by Love and Passion. Who could possibly not instantly fall in love with this perfect and most beautiful harmony! Beauty is desirable for its own essence, and if the Exalted (Real) did not manifest in the form of beauty, the World would not have appeared out into existence.
paraphrased from: Ibn al-Arabi [The Meccan Revelations: II.677.12 - trsn. Mohamed Haj Yousef]