Islamic Calligraphy

Top Pages Related to: Microscopic Level

  • => The Duality of Time Theory
  • ... orld, but it is more appropriate to say that physical structures are eventually incorporeal, because they become various wave phenomena and energy interactions as soon as we dive into their microscopic level, as it is now confirmed by Quantum Field Theories. In the Duality of Time Theory , ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.1 The Duality of Time Postulate
  • ... l world, but it is more appropriate to say that physical structures are eventually incorporeal, because they become pure wave phenomena and energy interactions as soon as we dive into their microscopic levels, as it is now confirmed by Quantum Field Theories. In the Duality of Time Theory, ...

  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory
  • ... orld, but it is more appropriate to say that physical structures are eventually incorporeal, because they become various wave phenomena and energy interactions as soon as we dive into their microscopic level, as it is now confirmed by Quantum Field Theories. In the Duality of Time Theory , ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - Introduction: The Secret of Time
  • ... l world, but it is more appropriate to say that physical structures are eventually incorporeal, because they become pure wave phenomena and energy interactions as soon as we dive into their microscopic levels, as it is now confirmed by Quantum Field Theories. In the Duality of Time Theory, ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME -  Branching Space-Time Theories
  • ... and Quantum Gravity, and it has some resemblance to hidden variable theories and the ensemble interpretation, since it considers particles to have multiple well defined trajectories at the microscopic level. These trajectories can only be treated stochastically at a coarse grained level, ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME -  Schroedinger’s Cat
  • ... in it the living and dead cat mixed or smeared out in equal parts.” Greenstein and Zajonc (2006) This thought experiment highlights the implications that accepting uncertainty at the microscopic level has on macroscopic objects. A cat is put in a sealed box, with its life or death m ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - I.2.1 Fractals and Divergent Series
  • ... to imagine such objects we need at least two moments to conceive of their relative dimensions. Therefore, it is impossible to make these shapes perfectly smooth, because ultimately at some microscopic level, what looks like a smooth line or curve is actually made of a finite number of dis ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 7.3.1  The Problem of Infinity
  • ... to imagine such objects we need at least two moments to conceive of their relative dimensions. Therefore, it is impossible to make these shapes perfectly smooth, because ultimately at some microscopic level, what looks like a smooth line or curve is actually made of a finite number of dis ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... wo-dimensional plane in one linear flow by this continuous fractal space-filling curve first described by the German mathematician David Hilbert in 1891.     Read Other Books: The SINGLE MONAD MODEL of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's View of Time and Creation The Duality of Time Theory: ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the DUALITY OF TIME Postulate: DoT: The DUALITY OF TIME Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... ;   Read Other Books: The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's View of Time and Creation The Duality of Time Theory: Complex-Time Geometry and Perpertual Creation of Space The ULTIMATE SYMMETRY : Fractal Complex-Time and Quantum Gravity The Chest of Time: Particle-Wave Duality ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... scendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of TIME Postulate: DoT: The Duality of TIME Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

    • ... Space-Time =>:

    • ... is impossible to square the circle in normal Euclidean space is because we are considering both space and time to be real, or uniform and infinitely divisible. In reality, the dimensions of space-time are hyperbolic as we have demonstrated in chapters V and VI, and we need two complementar ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... e-Wave Duality: from Time Confinement to Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on GENERAL RELATIVITY and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... me Confinement to Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and QUANTUM MECHANICS ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    • ... ental movements; four in the physical plane and four in the psychological plane, as also can be figured out from the depiction in Figure 7.1 which explain in when we talked about the hidden symmetry in section 2. For this reason, the ancients divided the circle into four quarters that make ...

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    • ... Space Transcendence Read this short concise exploration of the Duality of Time Postulate: DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics ...

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    Message from the Author:

    I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

    By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

    Enjoy reading...

    Mohamed Haj Yousef

    Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

    Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,... Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a Line. Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
    Omar Khayyam [- - trns. Edward Fitzgerald]