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Top Pages Related to: True Quantization

  • => The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
  • ... ons. This approximation leads to General Relativity , and the current first and second quantization, of energy and fields, but Quantum Gravity requires this third quantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.2 The Dynamic Creation of Dimensions
  • ... ions. This approximation leads to General Relativity, and the current first and second quantizations, of energy and fields, but Quantum Gravity requires this third quantization, that is the true quantization of the space-time itself, and this cannot be achieved without taking into account ...

  • => DoT: The Duality of Time Postulate
  • ... ons. This approximation leads to General Relativity , and the current first and second quantization, of energy and fields, but Quantum Gravity requires this third quantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - Introduction
  • ... sions. This approximation leads to General Relativity, and the current first and second quantization, of energy and fields, but Quantum Gravity requires this third quantization, that is the true quantization of the space-time itself, and this cannot be achieved without taking into account ...

  • => Message from the Author
  • ... ons. This approximation leads to General Relativity , and the current first and second quantization, of energy and fields, but Quantum Gravity requires this third quantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account ...

  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory
  • ... ons. This approximation leads to General Relativity , and the current first and second quantization, of energy and fields, but Quantum Gravity requires this third quantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account ...

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    • ... Islamic Cosmology =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Ibn Al-Arabi =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Mohamed Haj Yousef =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Single Monad Model =>:

    • ... ce and what it may contain of matter particle, which then kinetically evolve throughout the outer normal level of time that we encounter. This Duality of Time Theory , that results from the SINGLE MONAD MODEL of the Cosmos , explains how multiplicity is emerging from absolute Oneness , at ...

    • ... Duality Of Time =>:

    • ... ization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Ultimate Symmetry =>:

    • ... Time Theory , that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos , explains how multiplicity is emerging from absolute Oneness , at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the ULTIMATE SYMMETRY of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (s ...

    • ... Cosmology =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Time =>:

    • ... hat is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Space-Time =>:

    • ... vels of time that are also nested inside each lower dimension of space. This means that at every instance of the real flow of time there is only one metaphysical point , that is the unit of space-time geometry, and the Universe is a result of its perpetual recurrence in the inner levels of ...

    • ... Spacetime =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Special Relativity =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... General Relativity =>:

    • ... normal time! This leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. GENERAL RELATIVITY and Quantum Mechanics are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theor ...

    • ... Quantum Mechanics =>:

    • ... to the Ultimate Symmetry of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymmetrical) creations, in orthogonal time directions. General Relativity and QUANTUM MECHANICS are complementary consequences of the Duality of Time Theory, and all the fundamen ...

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    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Speed Of Light =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

    • ... Symmetry =>:

    • ... ory , that results from the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos , explains how multiplicity is emerging from absolute Oneness , at every instance of our normal time! This leads to the Ultimate SYMMETRY of space and its dynamic formation and breaking into the physical and psychical (supersymme ...

    • ... Supersymmetry =>:

    • ... uantization , that is the true quantization of the space-time itself , and this cannot be achieved without taking into account the hidden symmetry of the new granular complex-time geometry . ...

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    Message from the Author:

    I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

    By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

    Enjoy reading...

    Mohamed Haj Yousef

    Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

    Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

    Subsribe to Newsletter:

    The science of Time is a noble science, that reveals the secret of Eternity. Only the Elites of Sages may ever come to know this secret. It is called the First Age, or the Age of ages, from which time is emerging.
    Ibn al-Arabi [The Meccan Revelations: Volume I, page 156. - Trns. Mohamed Haj Yousef]