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  • => The Cosmic Computer
  • ... rs in each state for one single instance of the “real flow of time”, thus creating an individual monad which is nothing but its own temporal projection. The succession of these individua ...

  • => The Cosmic Heart
  • ... On the primary level, the continuous globular revolution of the Single Monad produces the individual monads that are spread over space as temporary excitations in the vacuum field. Then, on ...

  • => The Greatest Element
  • ... thing that in some way underlies, constitutes, or gives rise to the physical monads. The individual monad/atom, however, remains the basic indivisible structure in the physically manifest w ...

  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos
  • ... On the primary level, the continuous globular revolution of the Single Monad produces the individual monads that are spread over space as temporary excitations in the vacuum field. Then, on ...

  • => TIME CHEST - Introduction: God is the Time
  • ... xistence, while everything else is (composed of) its temporal images, that are called the individual monads. The Single Monad is re-creating space and matter, in a certain chronological sequ ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 2.2 Ibn al-Arabi’s View of Time?
  • ... stence. The Duality of Time Theory explains how exactly this Single Monad is creating the individual monads in the inner levels of time, which is to say: how geometry is formulated, and then ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 2.3 Outline of the Single Monad Model of the Cosmos
  • ... d takes seven Days to be created by the Single Monad, which manifests in the forms of the individual monads one by one in certain specific order, so any observer would have to wait, six Days ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.2.1 The Five Fundamental Interactions
  • ... ical. The observed and imaginable worlds are, nothing but the temporal excitations of the individual monads that are being re-created perpetually in one linear chronological sequence, by the ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3 The Logical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
  • ... lways in the state of being, i.e. (c, c) , but for the entities of existence that are the individual monads that are the images or forms that the Single Monad is scanning as it goes through ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.8 Wave-Particle Duality
  • ... and steady revolution of the Single Monad, but as this Single Monad “turns” from one individual monad to the other, each one individual monad will encounter a discrete interval of time, ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.13 Quantum Causality
  • ... r smooth, but still discrete, motion or change; because of the vast number of neighboring individual monads, the effect of any perturbation will be limited to adjacent monads and will deceas ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.4.7 The Theoretical Speed of Light
  • ... ything is brought into existence by the only one Single Monad, which is the Source of all individual monads. The speed of the Single Monad is a property of the complex time-time field that i ...

  • => TIME CHEST - Conclusion
  • ... vidual entity at every indivisible instance of time. This creation process introduces one individual monad, or one point, that is the quanta of space-time geometry. Multiplicity and the dime ...

  • => SINGLE MONAD MODEL - 5. The Greatest Element:
  • ... thing that in some way underlies, constitutes, or gives rise to the physical monads. The individual monad/atom, however, remains the basic indivisible structure in the physically manifest w ...

  • => Logical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics based on the Duality of Time Theory
  • ... is unceasingly performing these three consecutive movements whose outcome would create an individual monad that is nothing but its “shadow” which would act as an object in the next scene ...

  • => The Problem of Non-Locality
  • ... is unceasingly performing these three consecutive movements whose outcome would create an individual monad that is nothing but its “shadow” which would act as an object in the next scene ...

  • => Solving the Problem of Causality Based on the Duality of Time Theory
  • ... r smooth, but still discrete, motion or change; because of the vast number of neighboring individual monads, the effect of any perturbation will be limited to adjacent monads and will deceas ...

  • => The Wave-Particle Duality
  • ... and steady revolution of the Single Monad, but as this Single Monad “turns” from one individual monad to the other, each one individual monad will encounter a discrete interval of time, ...

  • => Mass-Generation Mechanism Based on the Duality of Time Theory
  • ... physical mass as a result of the coupling between at least two geometrical points, or the individual monads that are the temporal images of the only one Single Monad that is actually describ ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - I.2.2 The Speed of Light as the Fractal Dimension
  • ... ything is brought into existence by the only one Single Monad, which is the Source of all individual monads. The speed of the Single Monad is a property of the complex time-time field that i ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - I.4 Outline of the Single Monad Model and Duality of Time Theory
  • ... d takes seven Days to be created by the Single Monad, which manifests in the forms of the individual monads one by one in certain specific order, so any observer would have to wait, six Days ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - I.4.1 The Three Hypothesis of the Single Monad Model
  • ... inuous existence. By perpetually manifesting in different forms, this Monad creates other individual monads, thus imaging itself to make a comprehensive image as one single frame of the enti ...

  • => ULTIMATE SYMMETRY - II.2.6 Yang-Mills Theory
  • ... physical mass as a result of the coupling between at least two geometrical points, or the individual monads that are the temporal images of the only one Single Monad that is actually describ ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 3.7  Strings Theory
  • ... physical mass as a result of the coupling between at least two geometrical points, or the individual monads that are the temporal images of the only one Single Monad that is actually describ ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 4.1.4  Trinity of the Cosmos
  • ... orld takes seven Days to be created by the Single Monad, which manifests the forms of the individual monads one by one in specific order, any observer would have to wait, out of existence, s ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 4.2.2  The Single Monad
  • ... ssed to create other forms which are continuously becoming its images but we imagine them individual monads).’ [II.454.14] In his Insha al-Dawair (“Constructing the Circles†...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - Chapter VI: Consciousness and the Three Orthogonal Worlds
  • ... bserved and imaginable worlds are, therefore, nothing but the temporal excitations of the individual monads that are being re-created perpetually in one linear chronological sequence, by the ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 6.8.4  World Formula
  • ... lines, which can also be decomposed further into abstract geometrical points that are the individual monads which are the temporal forms of the Single Monad. Figure 6.4: Graphical representa ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 6.9  Duality of Time Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
  • ... it is always in the state of being, i.e. , but for the entities of existence that are the individual monads that are the images or forms that the Single Monad is scanning as it goes through ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 6.9.4  Wave-Particle Duality
  • ... ady revolution of the Single Monad, but as this Single Monad “turns” from one individual monad to the other, each one individual monad will encounter a discrete interval of time, ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 6.9.5  Collapse of Wave-Function
  • ... account of the collapse of the wave function. The superposition state of a system with of individual monads comes from averaging the dual-states of these monads, all of which had already mad ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 6.9.8  Quantum Causality
  • ... r smooth, but still discrete, motion or change; because of the vast number of neighboring individual monads, the effect of any perturbation will be limited to adjacent monads and will deceas ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - 7.3.2  The Theoretical Speed of Light
  • ... ything is brought into existence by the only one Single Monad, which is the Source of all individual monads. The speed of the Single Monad is a property of the complex time-time field that i ...

  • => DUALITY OF TIME - Conclusion
  • ... vidual entity at every indivisible instance of time. This creation process introduces one individual monad, or one point, that is the quanta of space-time geometry. Multiplicity and the dime ...

  • => YouTube Video Presentations
  • ... is unceasingly performing these three consecutive movements whose outcome would create an individual monad that is nothing but its “shadow” which would act as an object in the next scene ...

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  • ... apse; as it has been demonstrated in more detail in Chapter VI of the Duality of Time Theory. For more information, please visit the Single Monad Model Website: .   ...

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  • ... apse; as it has been demonstrated in more detail in Chapter VI of the Duality of Time Theory. For more information, please visit the Single Monad Model Website: .   ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon. How much it can fill your room, depends on the windows !
Jalaluddin Rumi [The Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks - -]