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  • => Introducing Ibn al-Arabi's View of Time:
  • ... natural time' and 'paranatural time'. He also explains that the origin of this ultimately imaginary time is from the two forces of the soul: the active force and the intellective force. Desp ...

  • => Oneness and the Four Levels of Symmetry
  • ... concludes that we are imagining the reality because we are observing it from a genuinely imaginary time dimension. Since the ultimate reality is One, we cannot view it from outside, because ...

  • => The Single Day
  • ... nt' (see the following section) or the 'presence' - and this is the only real part of the imaginary time (see also section VI.8). We must note that the isotropic orb, which is the first orb ...

  • => What is Time?
  • ... ent that also the 'now' is not time. The present is not time, but it is rather a point in imaginary time, like a point on the line; although the line is composed of points, still each point ...

  • => The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos
  • ... ul: the active force and the intellective force, respectively. Then he explains that this imaginary time is cyclical, circular, relative, discrete and inhomogeneous. Ibn 'Arabî also gives a ...

  • => Ultimate Symmetry
  • ... concludes that we are imagining the reality because we are observing it from a genuinely imaginary time dimension. Since the ultimate reality is One, we cannot view it from outside, because ...

  • => Kirkus Review of Ultimate Symmetry
  • ... divine unity. People experience the world as they do because they only view it from an “imaginary time dimension,” a perch from the outside that can’t possibly exist if the universe is ...

  • => TIME CHEST - Introduction: God is the Time
  • ... re the outer and inner levels of time, respectively. If we could conceptually stop the “imaginary time” , in which we are normally living, or evolving, we shall see a still picture of th ...

  • => TIME CHEST - Chapter 2: Physical Multiplicity and the Oneness of Being
  • ... ime: “physical’ and “psychical” , and explains that the origin of this ultimately imaginary time is from the two forces of the Soul: the active force and the intellectual force. Desp ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 2.2 Ibn al-Arabi’s View of Time?
  • ... n gives another argument that also the “now” is not time. It is rather a point in the imaginary time, like a point on the line; although the line is composed of points, still each point ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 2.2.10 The Secret of Time
  • ... real flow of time, space and matter are internally created, and they are observed in the imaginary time as they kinetically evolve. However, because observation is one single instance of ti ...

  • => TIME CHEST - About this Book
  • ... no more than dreamlike passing shadows making some monotonous noise for a short period of imaginary time, before we leave this World to a relatively higher level of existence. Therefore, thi ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.1 The Duality of Time Postulate
  • ... we are no more than passing shadows making some monotonous noise for this short period of imaginary time, before we leave this world to a relatively higher level of existence. Often when I r ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.2 The Classical Elements and Quantum Field Theory
  • ... ich is the flat 2D space from which all elementary particles emerge as excitations in the imaginary time, and then condense and combine into atoms and molecules to form the various states of ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.2 The Dynamic Creation of Dimensions
  • ... s re-created in internal chronological sequence, that then appears as one instance of the imaginary time, as split-complex or hyperbolic numbers. In reality, however, we can conceive of at l ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.3 The Two Arrows of Time
  • ... eation and can not exceed it, it is still possible to have the orthogonal state where the imaginary time is flowing at the speed of creation and the real part is interrupting it, from our pe ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.5 The Exclusion Principle
  • ... d internally at the speed of light, like everything else, but they move through the outer imaginary time, at a limited velocity that can not reach the speed of light, while bosons move in sp ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.6 The Source of Uncertainty
  • ... ed of light in the real flow of time, and appear to be collectively moving in the outward imaginary time at the limited speed v ; thus the particle is described by (c, v) . The total kinetic ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.3.7 Mass Gap and Yang-Mills Conjecture
  • ... s counter-intuitive. In reality, however, because this motion is happening in the outward imaginary time, which is perpendicular on the real flow of time that is creating space, and both are ...

  • => TIME CHEST - 3.4.1 Deriving the Principles of Special and General Relativity
  • ... iscrete changes. So the individual geometrical points can either be at rest (in the outer/imaginary time) or at the speed of creation (in the inner/real time), while the apparent limited vel ...

  • => TIME CHEST - Conclusion
  • ... dimension of this infinite Euclidean sphere is split into the two conjugate directions of imaginary time where the physical and psychical worlds evolve, and they are continuously and sequent ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 4.  A Brief General Analysis:
  • ... rence between inertial and non-inertial frames, because the instantaneous velocity in the imaginary time is always “zero”, whether the object is accelerating or not! This also means that ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 5.  The Dynamic Formation of Dimensions:
  • ... s re-created in internal chronological sequence, that then appears as one instance of the imaginary time , so the total complex time is: , as split-complex or hyperbolic numbers. We can also ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 5.1.  The Genuinely-Complex Time-Time Frame:
  • ... ates:  where  or  represent the inner real part of time : , and  represents the outer imaginary time , so the total complex time is , where  is the split-imaginary unit which defines hy ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 5.2.  The Two Arrows of Time:
  • ... eation and can not exceed it, it is still possible to have the orthogonal state where the imaginary time is flowing at the speed of creation and the real part is interrupting it, such that: ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 5.3.  General Relativity Approximation:
  • ... is Book 5.3.  General Relativity Approximation:   The representation of space-time with imaginary time was used in the early formulation of Special Relativity, by Poincare (Poincaré, 1906 ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 6.  Deriving the Principles of Special and General Relativity:
  • ... iscrete changes. So the individual geometrical points can either be at rest (in the outer/imaginary time) or at the speed of creation (in the inner/real time), while the apparent limited vel ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 6.1.  Lorentz Transformations:
  • ... was originally shown by Poincare(Poincaré, 1906) that by using the mathematical trick of imaginary time, Lorentz transformation becomes a rotation between inertial frames. For example, if t ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - Introduction
  • ... no more than dreamlike passing shadows making some monotonous noise for a short period of imaginary time, before we leave this World to a relatively higher level of existence. Therefore, thi ...

  • => THE DOT POSTULATE - 2.  Introduction:
  • ... such as the relativity of scale, that may lead to fractal space-time. On the other hand, imaginary time had been successfully used in the early formulation of Special Relativity by Poincare ...

  • => The Single Monad Model
  • ... ul: the active force and the intellective force, respectively. Then he explains that this imaginary time is cyclical, circular, relative, discrete and inhomogeneous. Ibn 'Arabî also gives a ...

  • => SINGLE MONAD MODEL - 10. Introducing Ibn Arabi's View of Time:
  • ... natural time' and 'paranatural time'. He also explains that the origin of this ultimately imaginary time is from the two forces of the soul: the active force and the intellective force. Desp ...

  • => SINGLE MONAD MODEL - 1. What is Time?
  • ... ent that also the 'now' is not time. The present is not time, but it is rather a point in imaginary time, like a point on the line; although the line is composed of points, still each point ...

  • ... ul: the active force and the intellective force, respectively. Then he explains that this imaginary time is cyclical, circular, relative, discrete and inhomogeneous. Ibn Arabi also gives a p ...

  • => SINGLE MONAD MODEL - 15. The 'Single Day':
  • ... t ' (see the following section) or the ' presence ' and this is the only real part of the imaginary time (see also section VI.8). We must note that the isotropic orb, which is the first orb ...

  • => Solving the Arrow of Time Problem Based on the Duality of Time Theory
  • ... eation and can not exceed it, it is still possible to have the orthogonal state where the imaginary time is flowing at the speed of creation and the real part is interrupting it, such that: ...

  • => The Complex-Time Frame
  • ... e coordinates: where or represent the inner real part of time: , and represents the outer imaginary time, so the total complex time is , where is the split-imaginary unit which defines hyper ...

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  • ... Monadology =>:

  • ... e To understand how all these major problems could be solved so easily, please study first the Duality of Time Postulate , that has been extracted from Chapter V of the Duality of Time book. ...

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  • ... e To understand how all these major problems could be solved so easily, please study first the Duality of Time Postulate , that has been extracted from Chapter V of the Duality of Time book. ...

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Message from the Author:

I have no doubt that this is the most significant discovery in the history of mathematics, physics and philosophy, ever!

By revealing the mystery of the connection between discreteness and contintuity, this novel understanding of the complex (time-time) geometry, will cause a paradigm shift in our knowledge of the fundamental nature of the cosmos and its corporeal and incorporeal structures.

Enjoy reading...

Mohamed Haj Yousef

Check this detailed video presentation on "Deriving the Principles of Special, General and Quantum Relativity Based on the Single Monad Model Cosmos and Duality of Time Theory".

Download the Book "DOT: The Duality of Time Postulate and Its Consequences on General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" or: READ ONLINE .....>>>>

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Because He loves beauty, Allah invented the World with ultimate perfection, and since He is the All-Beautiful, He loved none but His own Essence. But He also liked to see Himself reflected outwardly, so He created (the entities of) the World according to the form of His own Beauty, and He looked at them, and He loved these confined forms. Hence, the Magnificent made the absolute beauty --routing in the whole World-- projected into confined beautiful patterns that may diverge in their relative degrees of brilliance and grace.
paraphrased from: Ibn al-Arabi [The Meccan Revelations: IV.269.18 - trans. Mohamed Haj Yousef]